Simple Tips To Secure Your WordPress Blog/Website
With the growing hacking attempts, here goes some simple but useful tips to secure your WordPress blog /sites.
Tip 1 : Don’t use ADMIN as the user name
Use a completely random username with the administrative rights. If you are using admin as the username for the administrator login then you are just giving the main entrance key to the hacker.
Tip 2 : Use Strong Password
Make it complex. Use the combination of upper case & lowercase letters, numbers along with special characters. The weak passwords can be easily cracked by the “Brute Force” attack. Change your passwords often. Don’t use simple passwords like password, 123456, 12345678, abc123, qwerty, etc.
Tip 3 : Plugin Management
Update all active plugins and delete all inactive ones. Click on Plugins >> Installed Plugins and click on update automatically to update a particular plugin. The updated versions of the plugins are just not bug free but they are also more secured.
Tip 4 : Backup Your Data Regularly
Remember your WordPress blog database possess your hard work in the form of post, comments & likes. Perform a daily or weekly backup of your blog/website so that you can restore your blog/website.
Tip 5 : Upgrade to Latest WordPress version
Right now, the latest stable WordPress Version is WordPress (Version 3.4.1). Just check out whether you have updated it or not. You must be asking why to update when everything is running fine? The WordPress development team keeps coming up with changes and upgrades to fix various security holes, so with an updated version your website/blog become more secure.
Enjoy Blogging!!